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Catracho Corner Spring 2023

About Me

My name is Jairo, I am in the 12th grade

studying metal construction at Centro Técnico

Vocacional Pedro Nufio.

I first learned about the Manos de Dios

Scholarship Program in 2017 through a church

camp. I received a Manos scholarship when I

was just 11 years old.

I have been playing the drums as part of the

music ministry at the Manos de Dios Episcopal

Church since I was 10 years old. Music is a

hobby I have always enjoyed.

My goals include graduating from high school

and studying Civil Engineering at the

Universidad Catolica in Danli, Honduras.

Fun Facts

Favorite Quote: “When opportunities don’t

come knocking on your door, build a new one." I

learned this quote from my grandfather.

Favorite Sport: My favorite sport is Fútbol

(Soccer). Some of my favorite teams include

F.C. Motagua, Liverpool F.C. and Inter Miami


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