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College & Young Adult Mission Trip Travel Award

Join the Manos team on a mission trip to Honduras



The Manos de Dios Honduras ministry is grateful to announce that we have been awarded a grant from the College Missions Council to fund a mission trip Travel Award for 3 College Students/Young Adults in January 2025. This award covers airline, lodging, food, and transportation expenses for the trip for chosen applicants. Thanks to CMC’s generous donation, Manos can continue to help young adults answer the call to missions.

Over the last two years, Manos de Dios has brought on board 4 young adults with them as part of the Manos team on their annual January mission trip. This year, we are looking to bring on 3 Young Adults (18-30) as part of the team. Read about what we do and what the previous travel award recipients have to say as part of their experience and learn why YOU should apply next to be part of 2025’s team.

What is Manos?

Manos de Dios is a ministry to Honduras started in the year 2000 by members of four congregations in the Diocese of West Texas. For over 20 years, Manos has sent Missionaries to Honduras in Danlí and the surrounding areas that have created and sustained community outreach efforts, such as vision clinics, VBS, construction projects, health & wellness clinics, and offering scholarships to underprivileged and well deserving Honduran students.

Previous Travel Award Recipients

(Left to Right: Floyd, Dani, Avery, Colin)

Dani, 27, UTSA Graduate with a degree in Communication:

“I am so happy to discover the surprises God has in store for me. I’ve learned that He hasn’t forgotten about me and that He still wants me to participate in the Christian life. The opportunity to travel to Honduras was something that I never expected and now, I wait for every chance I can to go back.”

Colin, 20, University of Houston student studying Hotel Management & Business:

“What I learned from this trip was that we’re all better working together than we are by ourselves.”

Avery, 20, Texas State University Graduate with a degree in Psychology:

“This trip I learned how to listen. Going to a country to serve a group of people where you don’t share a language can be seen as a roadblock or an opportunity. For me this trip was an opportunity to learn how to slow down and listen when my first instinct is to lead. “I’m very thankful for this opportunity.”

Floyd, 30, UTSA Doctoral Student studying Culture, Language, & Literacy:

“I learned a lot. It was fascinating seeing some of the aspects of Honduran culture along with the community’s hospitality.”

Why should college students/young adults apply:

This Travel Award offers the once in a lifetime opportunity to answer the call to missions and create life-long relationships that have life-changing impacts. This experience is an opportunity to test your leadership skills and get to know yourself in an environment that’s different from your own while serving others.

Will you answer the call?  Applications are due by September 15th 2024. For more information including background on the Manos de Dios ministry, the official application form, full requirements, and submissions of electronic applications, please email: Patricia Perea, Chief Mission Officer at

Apply Now!

This mission trip will take place in Danlí, Honduras during January 2nd-9th, 2025.

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